About US

Since our first contact with the training market until our inception as official training & Education Management provider, we at Mentor has been totally focused on building a strategic, quality search practice and extraordinary skills for serving our clients.
The Mentor Solutions Top top, togheter with our Strategic Partners, we make the same team it is formed by 5 core specialists, having in total 15 proffesionals, all practitioners , what have undergone various stages of professional development and maturity, both because of their past evolutions and the present or future projects in which they are engaged, for which they have built up extensive expertise and a level of professionalism that guarantees our results.
Our practical expertise is balanced and complemented by our solid theoretical know-how & skills pool, our members being involved also into continue developments processes, as well as being graduates of local and international certifications on different tools and areas of HR & organisational development, or having post-graduate or masters levels in business management administration conducted worldwide at prestigious business universities in the world..


  • The beginning year in the training market: 1997, through OVERSEAS GROUP Training Department, a Belgium–Romanian joint-venture in Romanian FMCG distribution industry
  • At the local market, we’ve started with 2000 until today to build locally strategically and project’s based partnerships, with a few of major’s providers from the Romanian Training & Consulting market : CODECS, HUMAN INVEST, COCHING INSTITUTE etc
  • We officially start to work as a business solutions provider under the DCN Training & Consulting's umbrella. The official founding year of our first company, named DCN TRAINING & CONSULTING was 2003, and starting with 2014, we settled the second company, named Mentor Soutions Top with our Mentor Top Solutions brand, what became the exclusive distributor and operational representation for DCN Training & Consulting’s businesses in the Romanian & CEE markets.
We set regional and global partnerships, as it follows:

  • From 2009 to 2017 we start and continue our partnership with TRACOM Group USA, the original Creator of Social Style™ Model, developing different business models and creating a Local team of certified International Social Style instructors;
  • In 2008 we start our afiliation program for the “Successful Business Presentation” seminars from Training Box UK for the Romanian market;
  • Starting with 2009 we became partners with 4Results Belgium, and starting to 2015 we begin our partneriship with Custom Insight USA on 360º Leadership assessment tools and online Employees Engagement programmes.
  • In 2016 we start to collaborate with Simformer Lithuania – a global online training & learning platform & Business gamification solutions, to obtain and sustain our clients fastest & efficient development.


on the long range
results compass conceptual image
ACTIVE EXPERIENCES & ADULTS PLAYGROUND Learning Processes, aligned to continue RESULTS

For us INTEGRITY means to do WHAT you are saying you'll do , WHEN you're saying you'll do, HOW you said you'll DO.

We truly believe that living in this way, we can secure our common's projects success!
This means for both healthy growing, continuously support & help, work better with real & measurable results, search for extraordinary experiences and successes in our portfolios, and behave with TRUST, AUTHENTICITY, FUN and COURAGE.

This means clear Process - or HOW needs to follow for a real impact, The Essence - or WHAT needs to be understood in our communication, and Core-Concepts -or knowing that WHY what makes us to be involved; all defined and followed to increase the applicability of knowledge and reach our life & business potential.

We truly believe that Communication is always a-Live and True, because we can "born" or "die" with every word!

When we work, we love to play, to challenge and be challanged, always leave the comfort zone for discover the NEW REAL YOU full of potential and dreams.
In all this Montagne-Rouse approach WE empower YOU to bring the desired results and live the life you deserve!


We declare ourselves the most vivid & challanging team of proffesionals and practicians, trainers, coaches and consultants, from Romania and CEE markets, and we are fully engaged to create together with you, our clients and partners, The Way for your Success, and for the Life you are dreaming for.

We authentically trust that our organisation cherish only together with you, so we are the inspiration source for us and for others. We promote and trust in strategical partnerships, on the long range, because this is the only way we can engage ourselves to your company's real development.

We are here for you! Together we are unstoppable!


Erik Houben

Erik Houben

The 4Results Belgium founder, Sr. Trainer, Consultant and Coach with a comprehensive experience in international Key Account Management, and professional & innovative Sales methodologies, Change management and Leadership training & coaching .

He is one of our Key partner, with a very detailed and analytical approach knowing how to turn a threat into a real opportunity!

Andy Dobre site

Alexandru Dobre

Senior trainer and consultant.

MA in Experiantial Psychology. Highly skilled and passioned in identifying and activating creative adaptive resources for individuals and teams. Personality support in situations of implementing complex organizational decisions and changes. High team spirit and highly dependable in front of challenges or changes due to strong competition environments.

Violeta-Dumitrescu site

Violeta Dumitrescu

Sr. Consultant and Psychologist

A passioned Human Potential identifier and developer, with solid expertise in HR Consulting and Career & Life Counseling. She is a remarkable and long track record assessor, knowing to identify real and hidden talents inside us. She brings value to her projects through her analytical skills, integrity, engagement and expertise.

Bob Schwieterman

Dragos Noveanu

Consultant, German born speaker, Financial & Legal strategist and councilor.
Dragoș is a highlgly knowledgeable person, passioned by law and its effect in our life and businesses, and he love to be on the top of any changes and improvement.
He is focused on results, but in the same time he loves to make law understandable and friendly for anyone.

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